Legal Disclaimer

Last Updated – March 6th 2023

Ceylon Exchange Mentoring Private Limited (PV 00230244) [the ‘Company’] is an enterprise that primarily focuses on providing a sound knowledge regarding the Capital Market Investment Scheme in Sri Lanka, while also engaging in providing investors with all sorts of data through our social media platforms.

The secondary aim of our enterprise is to provide investors with data related to the Sri Lankan economy and financial systems through our social media platforms. These data have either been constituted by our enterprise using our own expert knowledge or has been extracted from recognized enterprises in the country which are directly or indirectly associated with the local financial system.


The information and analysis provided by us is for general informational and educational purposes only. All information on our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) [ ‘the pages’] are provided in good faith, and we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any such information. Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the reliance on any information provided by us on our pages. Your reliance on any information on the said pages is solely at your own risk.

01. Data and Statistics published by the Official CEM Page

The sources of all the data and statistics published on our social media platforms have always been cited along with such information. Such data and statistics cannot be considered as a buy or sell recommendation.

02. Technical Charts

The technical updates of the stocks that we publish are solely based on the values illustrated by the technical indicators. Thereby it is not by any means a buy, hold or sell recommendation. The Technical Charts are only utilized to bestow the technical outlook of a stock in the short run.

03. Top Stocks

The Top Stock List presents the trending stocks of a particular time period based on the fundamentals, technical and major catalysts in play. The top stock list that we publish cannot be considered as a buy or hold recommendation and we have presented that in every poster regarding the Top Stock List using a disclaimer. Investors at all times are encouraged to carry out their own research before investing.

04. Messaging

Many investors contact us through the main social media platforms and as an enterprise which specializes in Capital Markets we facilitate a service where we educate and clear doubts of any investor without a cost. We have always strictly adhered with the policy of “NO RECOMMENDATIONS” and will continue to do so in the near future. Any message sent by investors asking for recommendations will be left unattended.

05. Promotional Activities

The promotional activities carried out by the Company will at all times be based on our interests and not based on price sensitive data.

06. Public Events

Events which are conducted by Ceylon Exchange Mentoring will solely be based on providing investors with a sound understanding of the local stock market and all such events will be directed to either the SEC or CSE in order for further approval.

07. Classes

The class that we conduct are solely aimed at providing students with a comprehensive knowledge regarding the stock market. The examples that lecturers take during the sessions are not to be used as buy or sell recommendations any time.


Social Media Platforms

The Company is in no way affiliated with or associated with Facebook, Instagram or Twitter except as a user of the platforms and cannot be held liable for your use or misuse of the platforms. The Company is only associated with the social media accounts given below and are not responsible for other accounts with similar usernames or providing similar services. Your use of the platforms is solely at your own risk.




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External Links

The platforms may contain links to other websites or content belonging to or originating from third parties or links to websites and features in banners or other advertising. Such external links are not investigated, monitored, or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness by us.

We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered by third-party websites linked through the site or any website or feature linked in any banner or other advertising. We will not be a party to or in any way be responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and third-party providers of products or services.

Professional Disclaimer

Our accounts do not contain financial advice. The financial information and analysis are provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.

Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we strongly encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. The use or reliance of any information contained on our accounts is solely at your own risk.

Testimonials Disclaimer

The Site may contain testimonials by users of our services. These testimonials reflect the real-life experiences and opinions of such users. However, the experiences are personal to those particular users, and may not necessarily be representative of all users of our services. We do not claim, and you should not assume, that all users will have the same experiences. Your individual results may vary. The views and opinions contained in the testimonials belong solely to the individual user and do not reflect our views and opinions. The testimonials on the Site are not intended, nor should they be construed, as claims that our products and/or services can be used to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure, prevent or otherwise be used for any disease or medical condition. No testimonials have been clinically proven or evaluated.